Monday, September 20, 2010

What Gift is a Good Gift

Do you guys celebrate Birthdays? I heard of many sort of celebrations. Some like to throw huge parties, some like it quiet. Some like family gatherings, some like it solitary. Some like loads of gifts or expensive ones, some like it simple where wishes would do. Some love surprises, some just prefer to organize their own party!

What's your flavor? 

What are some of the type of gifts you give to say family, friends or love ones?

I personally like it simple. Nothing to big. Nothing to drastic. No gifts are fine with me. Most important is everyone around me have a good time. There is no greater feeling that to see those around you being happy on your birthday.

Contrary to what is stated here, during my 30th birthday, I threw a huge party where I invited lots of folks to my private reserved dance club. It was a blast of an event. Lots of drunkard. Next day, suffering!

Is this the type of birthday you want? So at the end of the day, what matter most is the remembrance of one's fabulous day for which you were born into this world!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love is in the Air

When do you know it's time to get married? Lots of thoughts crosses your mind? But one always wonders. Unless you don't intent to get married. Marriage is a bond. A join of two lives to become one stronger one. When is time??

Let's me know your thoughts. Drop a comment!