Friday, April 22, 2005

Best I Ever Had...

How do I regard LLBQ? To me, she's the best I ever had. I love the way she walks, the way she moves, the way she sleeps, the way she eats, and every other way she is and especially the way she loves me. No one loves me like she does and it is really heart warming to know that. Though she's so many thousand miles away right now, I just miss her presence so much. It's only been 3 weeks since she's gone...

Why is she the best I ever had? The amount of joy that we share is unamountable. We karaoke a lot together and absolutely love the moments we shared. We can just dance the night away and being silly with each other. We go for holidays and have the happiest and funniest moments. We make love till even the house goes on fire, we'll still be making love. The passion, the love, the care is tremendous.

But why are we apart? Is it merely the lies that were created out there about us? She's confused... Really confused. I've never meet anyone that I wanted to be with so much. And she does too. But all the lies that bombard her, it made her run. I believe she ran. Coz she wanted us so much and now, it's kind of hard to have us.

It's all weird but I believe in fate. We met. Seperated once before. Got back in the most unbelieable and unexpected way. And now we are seperated again. Evil has its way. Definately someone doesn't want us to be together and we know so well who he is as mentioned in the earlier blogs.. but let him.

Now is to wait for fate to hit again.

Watch Before Sunset.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Bon Vovage...

It's a happy day yesterday! Well LLBQ left for Australia. Not that I want her to leave... But I surprised her... She was flying from Penang to Singapore to Melbourne. I flew to Penang from KL to meet her in the departure area. Well, my flight got delayed 3 times but I eventually made it. Got there early. Sat there with the farewell gift. She walks right in,... I quickily stood up along the walk way where she'll be passing by... She looks up the noticed board to find her gate. Turns around and walks towards my direction... Looks up. Glance away. Looks again. She stops,... gave a loud shocked sound scaring the people around her... I just stood there smiling... Walks towards her. She was speachless. We huged. She can't believe her eyes. Finally she got her composure... We walked... sat down and talked... It was nice. Gave her the gift.. She puts it in her bag... still shocked... It was nice. We talked a bit. Finally it came to a time when she has to board her flight. It's sad to watch her go but I'm happy I saw her.. We left on a great note. She sms later. When she arrived at Singapore, she even called... Happy... Happy...

Friday, April 01, 2005

Melbourne? A Place to Escape.

Melbourne. A place to escape? LLBQ said she's moving Melbourne. And she's leaving next week! What a surprise. I couldn't believed it when i heard it. Do people just make jumps just like that? Well, she claims it has always been her dream. Well, she visited Melbourne once for a month and really enjoyed herself. But being on holiday and living there permanently is 2 different things! But I guess something must be the driving force for LLBQ. I believe it's the ex. Let's call the ex Fucking Moronic Ex-Boyfriend (FMEB). FMEB has been convincing to move there. He is planning to move there too. It'll be a good way for FMEB to keep LLBQ far away from her family. LLBQ's mom disagree with him and their relationship. Also, FMEB is a hopeless bump in Malaysia. And going to Australia, he can live off whoever... possibly LLBQ. That's what I think. I'm pretty sure I'm correct too. I do know LLBQ's dream is to open a restaurant. And she always wanted to live in Melbourne....

Only time will tell if that is one's dream or not. Sometimes I feel it is a place to escape. A way to get away from it all. Can we just stay put in one place? We can unless things are not working out for us. For LLBQ, she does not like acting and being a talent anymore... I understand coz it's time consuming and gets really boring after a while. The money is just ok. And what's worst... someone she love has to deemed as a lying cheating bastard. Ya, that's me... that's what FMEB is saying or so he claims what others are saying. And with all these girls calling LLBQ about it, she's super confused. What can I say? I wish she beleived in me more than that. That's why I think the previous post does hold some ground. Sigh. I'm not gonna pursue the matter coz I didn't do anything wrong. It's quite unfair if you ask me. How can it be fair when a person gets accused of doing something he did not do...

Well,... Melbourne... you might just see me there one fine day. One fine day.

True or Not True?

Ryan Cabrera got the song right for my situation right now... Emailed it to LLBQ. She didn't even bother to respond. How about that!!! It's ok. As long as I like the song. Here's the lyrics...

True - Ryan Cabrera

I won't talk
I won't breathe
I won't move till you finally see
that you belong with me

you might think
I don't look
but deep inside in the corner of my mind
I'm attatched to you

I'm weak
it's true
cause I'm afraid to know the answer
do you want me too?
cause my heart keeps falling faster

I've waited all my life to cross this line
to the only thing thats true
so I will not hide
it's time to try anything to be with you
all my life I've waited
this is true

you don't know
what you do
everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move

I'm weak
it's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
do you see me too?
do you even know you met me

I've waited all my life to cross this line
to the only thing thats true
so I will not hide
its time to try anything to be with you
all my life I've waited
this is true

I know when I go
I'll be on my way to you
the way that's true

I've waited all my life to cross this line
to the only thing thats true
so I will not hide
its time to try anything to be with you
all my life I've waited
this is true

It's Been a While. Someone is Under a Spell!

It's been a while since I last blogged.... Why? There goes LLBQ. Again. That's right. I'm beginning to think there is a serious problem with LLBQ. I love the girl but the case of the ex is not exactly a good thing to have in building a relationship. She seems to trust what the ex says more than i do although it's so obvious that the ex is bullshitting. Any stable minded person can see that. Is LLBQ under a spell?

Is that even possible? Love spell? Tell me people... Tell me...