Monday, November 29, 2004

Relationship is the Topic of Quarter 2004

Why relationships? Simple. We are involved in it all the time. Unless you live all by yourself... Even that, you have a relationship with the environment around you. But something, somehow, I got this feeling for a long term life partner relationship. It must has been my recent relationship with this girl. Let's call her "Life Long Beauty Queen" or LLBQ. Well, LLBQ has shown me how a relationship should be. LLBQ lived with me, took care of me. LLBQ loved me so much, I even felt a slight suffocation but I was so in love with LLBQ as well that it didn't matter. What turn out of it is that we great so much into each other in such a short period of time. Since we lived together, I had a taste of how a life long partnership would feel like. Is this marriage syndrome? I don't know. Maybe it is. However, we are not together now. It's a seperation. Yup. Other issues fell into place. That's another story all together. Will not dwell into it as of now coz a lot of things is still not perfect closed.

Now that leads me to what consist of a relationship? Tell me. I would like to know too. I've been doing a lot of reading on relationships etc... Thanks to John Gray, I've picked up a few good thoughts and will continue to build on them and grow. Will blog it here once I have a great material to share. But I do recomend, "What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You and Your Father Didn't Know"... It's a great read aside from the all popular "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". In fact, I find the Mars Venus book more general and a good start. The Mother Father book would be something more illustrative and adaptable to my current situation - which is recently single after having the known most perfect relationship that I had.

Does anyone have any great comments to share on relationships? It's the topic of the quarter and I'll be posting more on it as I go along this search of understand women, relationships and life.

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