Wednesday, March 29, 2006

28th Burpday

Today is LLBQ's birthday. She's turning 28. She's still in Melbourne. I'm still in Malaysia. About 2 weeks back, I send LLBQ a birthday card. Finally decided that I should really do something about it before it's too late. It's about time. So I did. AR (Auto-Reply) Registered to her uncle's home. No news yet. She now lives in a rented place nearer to school. I do not have that address neither her number. It was pride that I didn't ask her for it when she went. Neither did she tell me. Maybe it's a sign.

For my 29th birthday, I still remember what LLBQ bought me... Georgio Armani perfume! I was so touched. Till now, I still can smell the sweets scent of the cologne she bought. Very thoughtful of her. That was also when we got back together.

What am I going to do? Nothing I guess. Let's see if she responds to the birthday card. Only time will tell.

Dear LLBQ, may happiness shines in the stars of your night and joy glitters in your eyes. Happy Birthday.

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