Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Pathological Liar...

What is Pathological...? It is defined as such: Pathological - Of, relating to, or manifesting behavior that is habitual, maladaptive, and compulsive: eg. a pathological liar.

Pathological Liar! - I know of someone exactly like that… Let's call him Pathological Liar Good Friend (PLGF). Its quite stressed to know a good friend like that as you don’t know if the truth is spoken or just lies anymore. Therefore, it leads to major confusion about everything you do with that person. Best part is, PLGF gives you not just lies but his constain bragging of his high life (which we don't know if it is true or not) and he doesn't even realize the truth within himself. Besides being a pathological liar, he also is not focus on things he does. Having many intimate partners, and many businesses which he never focuses on. Once, PLGF told us (the 3 of us are business partners) that he has a major meeting to attend to. Next thing you know, hearing from some sources that he was with one of his girlfriends in Penang having a wild time. Whenever the 2 of us partners are busy with our personal engagements, PLGF will constantly bitch about us not being focus and commited to the business. And yet he never tells us the truth about what he is doing. Lies and lies gets created on top of another lie till it builds up into heaps of LIES!

Let me tell you a little about the PLGF's lists of girlfriends (I've met some of them except #1 - Pathological Liar?):
1. Recent Beauty Queen Chick (RBQC)
She's quite a looker. Has tons of money from her title. However, I know her but I've never seen him with her together before. Another pathological liar's attempt? Not sure. PLGF spends about twice a week with RBQC.
2. Russian Connection Older Chick (RCOC)
This one has been around for the longest time before GCEW below. The funny thing is that she has been with PLGF while he was married to GCEW and after PLGF's seperationg with GCEW, she just remains as regular girlfriend. Also, that has something to do with RCYC below.
3. Russian Connection Younger Chick (RCYC)
Now talking about the huge age gap. PLGF and her is 2 years apart! No kidding. RCYC is crazy about PLGF and RCYC happens to be RCOC's younger sister. Now you see the mess. RCYC was so crazy about PLGF that PLGF kindly took her in and made a disasterous mistake of consuming inmature content! The funny thing is now, PLGF-RCOC-RCYC is a trio. How's that for relationships??!!
4. Young Confused Stewardess Chick (YCSC)
Now this is my favorite. I know her the best and she's an extremely nice girl but I would say, a little confused. Who would go out with a pathological liar with 6 girlfriends and a ex-wife. Anyhow, she lives downsouth due to the nature of her job. YCSC would frequently call me everytime she tries looking foor PLGF and PLGF is missing (or busy with his pathological shit).
5. Shah Alam Cute Chick (SACC)
This one is really, really, really cute. She even knows RBQC personally and have met YCSC, RCYC and RCOC. Can you believe it! That's the skill of a pathological liar. But she's history or almost history. Apparently SACC has saw through PLGF and PLGF has been pathologically lying about everything and everything about SACC.
6. Tall Thin Dutch Chick (TTDC)
Met TTDC once. Apparently PLGF is going out with her but just like RBQC, I've never seen them together before eventhough I'm supposely PLGF's good friend and business partner. I hear a lot about her but I guess she moved south knowing the PLGF isn't going to be true to her. Some people do have brains... She's a lawyer btw.
7. Great Cute Ex-Wife (GCEW)
This is the best person of all. Know her very well and she's the best wife one could have. I would not even dwell into the story of why PLGF is not with her anymore since we don't know what sort of pathological lies he has created about what happened. Therefore it's not even worth mentioning though it does make a very good blog story. Haven't heard or seen her in a while. But it seems like she doesn't want PLGF that much. Nobody knows. Maybe I'll find out one day when I see GCEW around.

Now, that's 6 intimate girlfriends and 1 ex-wife. All whom don't know each other exist in such positions in PLGF life. How does PLGF do it? Well, be a pathological liar. You do get far but nobody is stupid. End of the day, how far can you go?

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